Friday, April 18, 2008

Pennsylvania primary won't sway superdelegates

USA Today reports that dozens of uncommitted superdelegates say Pennsylvania's primary will not be the decisive factor in choosing between Hillary and Barack. These superdelegates told the paper they will choose by July 1, a deadline proposed by DNC Chairman Howard Dean.

Yesterday, Dean told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he needs an immediate decision from uncommitted superdelegates. “I need them to say who they’re for starting now," said the DNC Chairman. “We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time," said Dean. "We’ve got to know who our nominee is.”

USA Today estimates that 250 of the 800 superdelegates remain undecided. Dean told Blitzer that approximately 65% of superdelegates have made their preference but 300 have not yet made up their minds.

According to the Politico, "If, as Hillary Rodham Clinton has suggested, her campaign takes the fight to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations all the way to the Democratic National Convention this summer, the fate of her challenge is all but certain to hinge on 25 individuals appointed to the Credentials Committee by party Chairman Howard Dean. "

The Credentials Committee consists of the 186 members who will determine whether to seat Florida and Michigan.


samm said...

When I want to know, I go to PA Press Watch

samm said...

I'm taking my youngest son and all of his teen-age colleagues to see Sen. Obama this evening at the capitol.